Fresh 48 Hospital Newborn Photography with Elizabeth Hite
Elizabeth Hite Photography
Fresh 48 Hospital Newborn Photos by Elizabeth Hite Photography1.jpg

Fresh 48 Hospital Newborn Photos

You’ve been immersing yourself in all things “baby” ever since you got that positive pregnancy test, and you keep hearing about “Fresh 48” photography.  Sure, you understand that it’s hospital/birthplace newborn photography, but what makes it different from regular newborn photos? I’m glad you asked!

Fresh 48 photos are just that–pictures taken of your little one when they’re at their newest . . . up to 48 hours after making their grand entrance into the world and into your heart.


Serving all Portland area hospitals and birthing centers: OHSU,

Legacy Emanuel Medical Center, Providence Portland Medical Center, and others


The Fresh 48 Experience | $825

*Bundle Your Session: Maternity mini session and in-home newborn families receive $100 off a fresh 48 session.

I absolutely love documenting all the tiny and oh-so-sweet “firsts” that make up Fresh 48 photos: first yawns, first feedings, first meetings with siblings–and lots of sleepy snuggles! These are quiet, laid-back sessions, done while you and your partner are still blissed out from meeting your new little love. My focus is on connection–between you and your baby, you and your partner, and all the members of your family unit. 

Regular newborn sessions happen one to two weeks after birth, and while they’re a wonderful way of capturing Baby when they are perhaps a little more alert, hanging out at home with parents, siblings and pets, Fresh 48 photography is your one chance to preserve and cherish forever all that adorable and brief newness. 

You blink and suddenly, your sweet newborn’s cheeks are just slightly different than they were right after birth. The kissable wrinkles on their scrunched-up foreheads have softened or disappeared, and you understand that from here on out, it will be a wonderful and bittersweet journey of growth and change.   


Frequently Asked Questions


Do I really need Fresh 48 photos? Can’t I just take pictures with my phone?

What I think makes Fresh 48 photography so special, is the combination of that incredible high you ride after the birth of a new little person in your family and the fleetingness of the moment. 

This is the ONLY time your baby will ever be this little again. 

Make sure you get high-quality photos taken by an experienced photographer who knows how to use angles & lighting to make sure your pictures turn out beautifully! 

You want your photos to remind you (over and over!) of how your baby looked, smelled and felt in your arms–of how your partner gazed at them, of how the two of you looked at each other. 

Awed by the experience. Overwhelmed with love. 

Just like all the prep you’ve done to prepare for your baby, Fresh 48 photos are so worth it! 

I promise.